“The therapies, the people, the cake…it’s all fabulous! We’ve made lifelong friends through PSDS. It’s such a special charity and is so close to our hearts.”
We offer services for a range of age groups
We provide support from the start of a family’s often unexpected journey through each milestone – from baby to toddler to teen and young adulthood – and we don’t intend to stop there! Like the young people who access our services, we are ambitious and we have exciting future plans.
Sharing what we have learned
Developed from first-hand experience, our services help children and young people who have Down syndrome reach their full, individual potential. The support we offer benefits family members and professionals too.

Family socials
We love bringing families together so they can share information and offer each other advice while their children play in an informal, relaxed setting. It’s how PSDS started and being with other families who “just get it” is still one of the most valuable services we provide.
Parents of new babies find our small-group coffee mornings a gentle introduction to PSDS and other new families.
Parties and more
There is always much to celebrate! Our Summer BBQ, Christmas Party and family days out are highlights of our social calendar.
For information about coffee mornings and social events for families, hit the button below.
Pre-school groups
Our early development groups for pre-schoolers are called “Digbies” (which stands for “developing individual growth by imaginative play, education and speech”). Weekly term-time sessions are enormously beneficial not only for the children attending, but also for parents and carers who experience new ways to encourage development in areas such as speech and communication, fine and gross motor skills, social interaction and, at the heart of everything we do, learning through play.
Interested in Digbies?
To find out more about how we help young children with Down syndrome get ready for starting school, just click below to send a message.

School support
Working with our specialist educational advisor, we support schools by providing access to expert advice and training on specific topics including number skills, reading and writing, behaviour, social interaction, curriculum differentiation and inclusion. Regular network training sessions bring teaching staff together from different settings to share best practice and learn from each other.
Got a question for our school support team?
Use the link below to request details about school support.
Activities and clubs
Children in school years 1 – 6 are invited to join our very popular weekly Drama Clubs – where the focus is on FUN, whilst building confidence and learning key skills through games, dance and drama activities.
For older children, teenagers and young adults at secondary school and college, our Youth Communication Groups called 5Club take place on a fortnightly basis at our new HQ in Reigate. Led by a highly experienced Speech and Language Therapist, 5Club sessions support the development of essential social and life skills, including building friendships, sharing ideas and opinions, listening to others and providing feedback.
Tell me more…
For details of our clubs & activities, click below to send an email.